IMPORTANT: Shopify discontinued supporting Mailchimp in 2018. You can use any other e-mail service provider and use the described method to update your submission form.
You can let your visitors subscribe to your newsletter list by adding a Newsletter block to the Footer section of the theme.
After adding the newsletter block, you just need to enter Mailchimp action URL to make the submission work.
If you haven’t got your Mailchimp account yet, it is very simple to create one. First 2000 subscribers are free (and this is one of the reasons we work with Mailchimp). Just click here to create your Mailchimp account.
When you login to your Mailchimp account follow below steps to get your Mailchimp action URL:
Login your Mailchimp account and go to “Lists” link from the top menu.
Create a list if you haven’t got one already. Use the drop-down menu at the right of the “Stats” link of your list and then choose “Signup forms“
At the Signup forms page, choose the “Embedded forms” by clicking select on the right.
When you enter Embeded forms page, you’ll see many options. Browse to “copy/paste onto your site” section on the page.
Your Mailchimp form action URL is written in form tag. Take the action url written in quotation marks after action= (underlined in purple on the screenshot).
Now we have our Mailchimp form action URL. It’s time to insert into our theme.
Go to “Customize” theme, click “Sections” tab and then “Footer“.
At the Footer section, expand “Newsletter” block. If Newsletter block does not exists, you can add it from “Add content” link.
When Newsletter block is expanded write your “Mailchimp form action URL” into text box.
You are all set!
Now your visitors can subscribe to your newsletter list on Mailchimp using the form located at the footer area of your page.